Thursday, October 25, 2012

House in a Water Tower

This post is for my husband who just LOVES re-invented industrial buildings.

By Dutch architects Zecc, this water tower in Soest, Netherlands, is a nine floor folly of phallic proportions!
 Favourite design ideas:
1: Colours: the monochrome palette echos the industrial heritage.
2: The black stairs in the all-white stair walls
3: The glass insert on the lower floors that illuminates the stairwell.


  1. Oh my goodness - who would have guessed from the outside!

  2. This is the best concept of making home, it is looking nice and people can attract from this property. People always want to make dream home.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. oh the stairs are so good and very changed from the normal in the center of the room.

  5. Its wonderful to learn of this tower. Unused buildings had been turned into more eye catching and tourist attraction structure.
