Saturday, August 4, 2012

Winter Planting: Red Roses and Red Peonies

I seem to be doing more garden posts than decorating updates lately, but that will change soon enough!

It is just past mid-winter here at Sky Meadow and its now or never to move the roses before they spring into life. This afternoon I am also moving a lemon tree that has been shaded by a pink grapefruit tree. It is a bit risky but it has to be done.

The roses I am transplanting are the climbing Red Pierres I received in a rose mystery box last year. Their brother, the climbing Pierre de Ronsard, is one of my all-time favourite roses with its pale pink double blooms tinged with mint green at the base.

My husband curses my roses as he is always being pricked by the thorns, but they are a must for me in a cottage garden - and as someone who loves cut flowers, I can't grow enough of them!

Today at the nursery I was looking through the summer bulbs and spotted a red peony. I have tried in vain before to grow peonies in our temperate climate and it is just not cold enough. After some discussion with the lady at the nursery, we decided to give it a try. I will chill it in the crisper for a week, plant it somewhere it may catch a frost and then water it with ice cubes.... sounds a bit fool-hardy but I am up for the challenge.

Does anyone have any advice?


  1. I just love that first pic of those roses simply gorgeous!

  2. I love roses (which seem to be successful in most gardens especially in clay soils)and peonies. I have never grown peonies but this sounds like a similar advice I got for trying to grow daffodils. Good luck let us know if they are a winner.

  3. I love peonies too. But I live in Sydney central so perhaps not the right climate. I'd love to try anyhow, just for curiosity. Meanwhile, I'll have to be content with my winter garden of clivias, calla lilies, irises and daisies.
